Welcome to the website of MILTON GREGORY GREW, A.I.A, ARCHITECT!
MILTON GREGORY GREW is sole proprietor of his professional practice which was formerly incorporated as GREW DESIGN INCORPORATED. Grew's is a small professional firm providing architectural design along with construction management, interior design, construction codes consulting and many other related services. We enjoy working on all types of residential, commercial and institutional building projects.
No, I do not claim to be the greatest designer on the planet! But you will find that I am uniquely aggressive in serving the needs and interests of my clients. I hope that your review of this site will convince you to become one of my growing list of satisfied clients.
So what makes me different from the thousands of other architects and designers out there? It has to do with my approach to your project. Yes, I have a design concept I want to see executed properly. But not at the expense of your own ideas of what you want for your home or building. And I don't treat your budget like the sky's the limit!
The stereotype of architects is that they are insistent about their own ideas, not willing to compromise or entertain the ideas of others, and not respectful toward budgets. Not me. I don't mind criticism and I remember that I are designing and building YOUR home or workplace - not mine. It's your money - not mine. I expect you to trust my judgement and listen to my ideas, but not to the exclusion of your own expectations. Nor do I mind comments from the contractors on the site. There is always more than one way to accomplish something and I don't have a lock on all the best ideas. In this business I literally learn something new every day.
What does all this mean? You will not find it hard to work with me. In fact, you might even enjoy it! You won't hear your builder say, "That architect can make it look good on paper but he doesn't know how to put a building together". In fact, contractors usually like working with me! No two clients are the same. No two projects are the same. So I will approach your project as being unique and exciting! I am confident that you will be pleased with the results.
To me, architecture is more than design and its execution. It is collaboration!
MILTON GREGORY GREW is sole proprietor of his professional practice which was formerly incorporated as GREW DESIGN INCORPORATED. Grew's is a small professional firm providing architectural design along with construction management, interior design, construction codes consulting and many other related services. We enjoy working on all types of residential, commercial and institutional building projects.
No, I do not claim to be the greatest designer on the planet! But you will find that I am uniquely aggressive in serving the needs and interests of my clients. I hope that your review of this site will convince you to become one of my growing list of satisfied clients.
So what makes me different from the thousands of other architects and designers out there? It has to do with my approach to your project. Yes, I have a design concept I want to see executed properly. But not at the expense of your own ideas of what you want for your home or building. And I don't treat your budget like the sky's the limit!
The stereotype of architects is that they are insistent about their own ideas, not willing to compromise or entertain the ideas of others, and not respectful toward budgets. Not me. I don't mind criticism and I remember that I are designing and building YOUR home or workplace - not mine. It's your money - not mine. I expect you to trust my judgement and listen to my ideas, but not to the exclusion of your own expectations. Nor do I mind comments from the contractors on the site. There is always more than one way to accomplish something and I don't have a lock on all the best ideas. In this business I literally learn something new every day.
What does all this mean? You will not find it hard to work with me. In fact, you might even enjoy it! You won't hear your builder say, "That architect can make it look good on paper but he doesn't know how to put a building together". In fact, contractors usually like working with me! No two clients are the same. No two projects are the same. So I will approach your project as being unique and exciting! I am confident that you will be pleased with the results.
To me, architecture is more than design and its execution. It is collaboration!

"The Barn" Conservatory at Ellis Clark Regional Agri-Science & Technology Center on the campus of Nonnewaug High School in Woodbury, CT. The structure is placed at the public approach to the site as an icon of the school's unique program - a blending of agriculture and technology. The interior is used for plantscaping.
Architecture - Design - Construction
241 Main Street South
Woodbury, Connecticut 06798-3440
Tel: 203-217-1074
Architecture - Design - Construction
241 Main Street South
Woodbury, Connecticut 06798-3440
Tel: 203-217-1074